Let's be honest, mowing the lawn is far from fun; but, once you get into a groove, it isn't the worst job either. However, having to stop and empty the grass catcher of your lawn mower can break the momentum you've built up, making the job seems more arduous. Lucky for you, there's no need to continue this tedious practice. Collecting and removing grass clippings is both unnecessary and counterproductive to growing a healthy lawn. Don't believe us? Read on to become a believer in grass cycling.
What is Grass Cycling and Why Should You include it in Your Ottawa Lawn Service Plan?
To put it simply, grass cycling is the process of leaving your leftover grass clippings on your yard after mowing your lawn. Why would you want to include grass cycling in your lawn care service plan? Here are a few reasons:
- The clippings will decompose providing your lawn with a ready source of nutrients. Doesn't everyone want free fertilizer?
- Grass cycling helps your soil retain water from your inground sprinkler system. This will promote root growth.
- This will improve the texture of your lawn and reduce the time it takes to mow your lawn (no emptying the grass catcher).
- It's more environmentally friendly – you won't be sending your grass clippings to a landfill in plastic garbage bags.
Tips for Incorporating Grass Cycling into Your Lawn Care Services
1) Cut your grass when it's dry. Wet grass is heavier and the blades of grass will not stand up uniformly or cut as evenly when the grass is dry. In addition, wet grass clippings clump together and do not disperse evenly. When the soil is wet, the weight of your lawnmower's wheels can create thin ruts throughout your lawn, resulting in pools of moisture. For a regular watering system, ask our Ottawa lawn services about installing a residential irrigation system in your lawn.
2) Cut your grass regularly. A general rule to live by when it comes to your Ottawa lawn services is to cut no more than one-third of the grass height at any one mowing. Cutting off too much can stop the roots from growing and will require more watering to keep the grass alive. In addition, cutting too much can clog your mower and make the whole grass cutting process longer. Finally, smaller grass clippings decompose quicker.
3) Use a sharp blade. Sharp blades cut the grass cleanly, which will help ensure rapid healing and regrowth. If you use a dull blade, it will tear and bruise the grass. If your grass is wounded, it becomes weak and less able to fend off invading weeds or diseases.
4) Leave the grass clippings where they fall. Initially, your lawn may appear as though it needs raking, with all the fresh clippings on top of the lawn. These clippings will quickly fall between the standing grass blades.
Frequently Asked Questions about Grass Cycling
1) What is the ideal timing for grass cycling?
For ideal conditions and to receive the full benefit, it's best to wait until your lawn is tall enough so that after mowing the lawn, the grass is about 3" tall.
If you leave the grass too tall, the clippings will be too long and lie on top of the lawn, leaving you with an unattractive "hay-like" look.
If the lawn is cut too short, the soil will be exposed to more sunlight and airflow. This will cause your water to evaporate faster, which will diminish root growth.
2) Will Grass Cycling Cause Thatch?
It is a common misconception that grass clippings left on the lawn will lead to thatch buildup and require the use of Nutri-Lawn's lawn care services to dethatch the lawn. However, thatch is not made up of grass clippings.
Thatch is made up of stems and roots and forms just beneath the surface of the lawn.
3) Can I use mulching mowers in my lawn care services?
Mulching mowers have a mulching attachment, which will circulate the grass within the mower so that it can be chopped several times before it's dispersed back into the lawn. These are a great addition to your Ottawa lawn services and will aid in the grass cycling process.
Incorporate grass cycling into your Ottawa lawn care regiment. Contact Nutri-Lawn Ottawa today for more details about this organic lawn care option.