Proper lawn maintenance can make a big difference in maintaining the condition of a healthy lawn. Mowing is often viewed as one of the most important and beneficial practices you, as a home owner can do. The taller the plant, the deeper the roots and the thicker the lawn will be. A thick lawn is your best defense against weeds, disease and insect infestation.
Mowing Frequency
For a successful lawn, you've got to get a routine going. Mowing once every 4 – 7 days is best for most lawns. Depending on weather, you might be required to mow a little more during Spring.
Height of Cut
To promote healthy lawn growth, it's best to keep a firm grip on your grass height. For most turf species, the general rule of thumb is a height of 2.5 – 3 inches.
1/3 Rule
Not only should you be on top of cutting your grass, you also need to make sure not to cut too much. You should never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at once. Removing more than this causes stress and can weaken the plant.
Sharp Blades
A sharp blade gives a clean cut. When mowing your lawn, always ensure your mower blades are sharp. This will give you a neat, clean cut that minimizes damage to the plant. It's recommended to sharpen your mower blades at least twice each season.
Mowing Patterns
Whether it be rows or spirals, each time you mow your lawn, try to mow in different patterns. Changing up the direction will help avoid tire rutting, as well aswear patterns appearing on your lawn.
Dry Conditions
When possible, mow your lawn it's dry. It is much easier to achieve a clean cut as the blades of the grass will be more upright, and less likely to clump up.
Mulch Clippings
Did you know a great source of natural fertilizer can come from your clippings? Use a mulching blade to help reincorporate the clippings back into the lawn and help boost fertilization.
New Seedlings
Newly seeded grass needs 4 – 6 weeks to fully establish after germination. New seedlings are tender and can be easily damaged by a mower if they are mowed prior to this waiting period, so give them a chance to get settled.