Spring is the optimal time to aerate the lawns. Core aeration is the single most important thing that you can do to create a healthy, thick and robust lawn. Core aeration is the process of mechanically removing small cores of soil from the lawn using an aeration machine. The cores will decompose over time and add the nutrients back into the soil.
Core Aeration provides a number of benefits to your lawn, including:
- Reduces and relieves soil compaction
- Encourages deep healthy roots
- Removes undesirable, excessive thatch layers
- Helps eliminate drought stress
- Reduces weed infestations
- Reduces insect and disease incidence
- Increases the uptake of fertilizers and control products
- Stimulates new turf growth
Over-Seeding any thin or damaged areas may be also needed. Upgrade your core aeration to add our exclusive Ottawa-Blend grass seed or talk to us about our 3-in-1 seed and feed service that helps to thicken the lawn and rejuvenate the turf.
A thick lawn will help to crowd off the undesirable grasses such as crabgrass, or many other weed types. Call or text us today at 613-739-3399, or email ottawa@nutrilawn.com to schedule these beneficial services.
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