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2 min read

Protect Your Lawn from Pet Damage: Tips from Nutri-Lawn

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As much as we love our furry friends, they can sometimes be tough on our lawns. From digging holes to leaving unsightly yellow spots, pets can cause significant damage to our green spaces. But don’t worry! With a few simple strategies, you can keep your lawn looking lush and healthy while still enjoying the company of your pets. Here are some tips from Nutri-Lawn to help you protect your lawn from pet damage.


  1. Designate a Pet Area

One of the most effective ways to protect your lawn is to designate a specific area for your pets to do their business. This can be a gravel or mulch area, which is easier to clean and less likely to be damaged by pet urine. Training your pets to use this area can take some time, but it’s worth the effort in the long run.


  1. Water the Lawn Regularly

Pet urine contains high levels of nitrogen, which can burn grass and leave yellow spots. To mitigate this, water the affected areas immediately after your pet urinates. This helps dilute the nitrogen and prevent damage. Regular watering of your entire lawn can also help maintain its overall health and resilience.


  1. Use Lawn Protection Products

There are several products available that can help protect your lawn from pet damage. There are supplements that contain probiotics and enzymes that help neutralize the nitrogen in your pet’s urine.


  1. Maintain Proper Lawn Care

Keeping your lawn healthy and well-maintained can make it more resistant to pet damage. Mow your lawn to a height of 2.5-3 inches, as longer grass can better withstand wear and tear. Regularly aerate and fertilize your lawn to promote strong root growth and overall health.


  1. Create Barriers

If your pet has a favorite digging spot, consider creating a barrier to protect that area. You can use decorative fencing, rocks, or even plant shrubs to deter your pet from digging. Providing your pet with a designated digging area, like a sandbox, can also help satisfy their natural instincts without damaging your lawn.