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3 min read

5 Must-Have Spring Landscape Maintenance Tips

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Spring is almost here and your lawn's hibernation season is coming to a close. It's time to prepare spring landscape maintenance to help your lawn become the beautiful sea of green, blossoms, and foliage that it's set to morph into. There are some key techniques and Burlington landscape services to help your yard get ready for the upcoming melt, and successive heat. Nutri-Lawn Burlington can assist in carrying your lawn to perfection with these 5 must-have steps.

1. Spread the Snow
This is one of the simplest spring landscape maintenance tips, but also one of the most useful. After a long snowy winter, it's normal for piles of snow to build up around a lawn from the constant shovelling and ploughing of roadways. However, snow piled up around your yard can have a truly damaging effect. Mounds of snow concentrated into a single area will have the consequence of ruining the grass beneath.

Spread the snow around to avoid grass destruction, and to help drainage. This will also prevent mould and diseases from spawning on your lawn, which thrive in patches where there is too much water to soak into the soil.

2. Overseed your Lawn
Even after spreading the snow, you may still find patchy areas in your grass where the hard winter has torn at the health of grass roots. In this case, it's time to add overseeding to your Nutri-Lawn landscape services.

Overseeding is the process of planting new grass seed on your lawn, to bring back that plush, healthy blanket of emerald. Nutri-Lawn Burlington can help you overseed your lawn to take away the hassle of spring landscape maintenance.

3. Core Aeration
Core aeration is a practice that should be worked into your annual Burlington landscape services. It punches holes into your lawn in order to reduce compaction in your soil, which appears after months of foot traffic across the yard. It is one of the simplest Nutri-Lawn landscape services, but one with myriad lasting benefits.

Core aeration opens up routes for your irrigation to reach the grass roots more effectively. This will inspire deeper roots to grow as they reach further down to collect the water, therefore creating stronger grass. Aeration is one of the Nutri-Lawn landscape services that protects against droughts in the summer, as more of your water is lapped up by the soil, rather than evaporating beneath a scorching sun.

4. Be Careful with Fertilization
Generally, fertilization is best done in the fall, rather than the spring. However, if you forgot your fall fertilization, or if you want to give a little more of a dose to your yard, you may apply spring fertilizer. It's best to go easy on this, though, as too much fertilizer will suffocate the roots of your grass with an excessive amount of surface growth.

It's important to do some research into fertilizers to find out which one is best for your lawn. Nutri-Lawn Burlington offers a variety of fertilizers for any homeowner's specifics.

5. Polish up the Mower
One of the most important lawn care services is lawn mowing. A bad mow-job can have even worse effects than you may imagine. Dull blades will tear and chop at your grass blades, and a mowing height that is too short or too high will prevent strong roots from growing.

Sharpen your mower's blade to get the best trim. Also, adjust the height of your mower blades to ensure that you are never cutting off more or less than 1/3 of your grass blade's height. Doing this will help your grass conserve resources by protecting surface water from the glare of the sun, while cutting your grass too short could dehydrate your lawn.

Get your Nutri-Lawn lawn care services lined up for 2014 today with a free quote from Nutri-Lawn Burlington. You’ll be glad you did!

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