Raccoons & skunks & crows, oh my! With grub & leatherjacket seasons in full swing, many lawns are in danger of being prime buffets for pesky animals that can leave lawns looking like this if not monitored properly...

Yikes. Not pretty at all. Animals such as raccoons and skunks can cause significant damage on home lawns, as most are nocturnal and do their damage when homeowners are asleep and there isn’t a high chance of them preventing it. These animals are known to roll up or flip your sod (raccoons) or dig up patches (skunks) looking for a tasty morsel. Many home remedies and retail products claim to correct or prevent this problem from happening, but most are ineffective and some can even make the problem much worse. That's where we come in! Here are some steps to help get rid of raccoons and skunks making a mess on your lawn in search of white grubs.
Install Sprinkler Systems
Fairly cheap and can obviously be used for multiple purposes. Most animals don’t like getting wet and will avoid these areas once repetition sets in! Motion sensor sprinklers - similar to motion lights - are available and work well for deterring pests.
Flood Lights
Install motion sensor flood lights that turn on during the night and light up the area. Like the proverbial "deer in headlights," most nocturnal animals will want to pick a different place to feed once their peaceful feast is interrupted by glaring lights.

Utilize Repellents
Spray skunk and raccoon repellents around the perimeter of your property to keep animals from coming. These products contain things like cayenne pepper and other ingredients that animals do not like.
Check your local municipality to see if trapping is legal in your area. Small trap/cages can be purchased and set out to catch animals. Baits can be placed inside to attract the animals. If the trap is successful the animal can be released and relocated away from the property.