MAY 2024
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White grub damage can be devastating and can result in extensive turf loss and costly repairs.
European chafer larvae feed in the soil on the roots of the grass plant, causing death or intense stress that creates noticeable turf wilting.
The damage from racoons, skunks and birds digging for white grubs create even more damage to the lawn.
- White grubs aggressively feed on rootzone. Damage from animals digging is common.
- White grubs stop feeding and pupate into adult beetle life stage. Adult beetles lay eggs.
- White grub larvae begin to aggressively feed. Signs of damage may begin to show from animal digging and lawn browning.
- White grubs stop feeding and overwinter as larvae.
Nutri-Lawn can offer a slit-seeding service to repair the damage, and grub control applications to reduce white grub populations down to more manageable levels. Control applications are timed during the white grub life cycle when they are most vulnerable.
Over-Seeding & Core Aeration are important steps to help keep your lawn thicker by filling in the thin areas and by discouraging weeds from infesting the lawn.
Over-Seeding introduces new endophyte enhanced cultivars of grass that require less water, less fertilizer, and resist insect and disease pressures. Most importantly, an over-seeded lawn stays greener and looks thicker, healthier, and lush.
At Nutri-Lawn we use a premium certified grass blend of perennial ryegrass and creeping red fescue. With proper watering, germination will start within 7-days.
Aeration & Over-Seeding on an annual basis will help create a healthy, thick, and robust lawn.
Proper cutting techniques are essential to an Ecology Friendly Lawn. There are a few pointers below that will help you manage your lawn like an expert.
Mow frequently (every 4 to 7 days). Spring requires more frequent cutting because a large percentage of total growth occurs in May and June.
Never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade; otherwise, stress will result in browning.
Cut at a height of 2.5 to 3 inches (6 to 7 cm). Mowing at these heights allows your lawn to shade out newly germinated weed seeds, and forces weeds like dandelions and plantain to grow more upright, resulting in more removal of weed leaf area when the lawn is mowed. Turf grass root depth is also deeper in lawns that are mowed high.
Sharpen the mower blade regularly to avoid fuzzy mowing. A dull blade creates a ragged cut that causes the lawn to look brown.
Mulch clippings back into the lawn. Clippings do not contribute to thatch accumulation when the lawn is mowed regularly.
Granulated Organic Compost is specially derived from a combination of plant-based sources designed to feed beneficial soil biology, improve nutrient uptake, refine soil structure, and increase water holding capacity.
Each granule is homogeneous formulated containing equal nutrition ensuring consistent uniformity. Beneficial ingredients including, leaf compost, liquid worm casting (beneficial microbes), kelp extract, amino acids (protein) and gypsum are uniquely blended to enhance performance and maximize plant health.
Our granulated compost is specially designed to:
- Feed beneficial soil biology.
- Improve nutrient uptake.
- Refine soil structure.
- Increase soil water holding capacity.
- Maximize plant health.
It also supports seed germination by ensuring optimal seed to soil contact and offering gentle feeding to assist new turfgrass establishment. Organic compost is odor and dust free. It is an organic and natural enhanced product that is children and pet friendly.

Bridgewater: 902.527.0007
Halifax: 902.468.8101
Kentville: 902.681.2654
Moncton: 506.857.9111
New Glasgow: 902.601.5046
Truro: 902.893.2099