Spring is the most promising season of the year in many ways. It represents the fading of winter, and the arrival of the warmer months. Spring carries potential. Unfortunately, not all of this potential is positive. When it comes to your Vancouver lawn maintenance, this potential can be seen in the possibility of lawn diseases and predatory insects attacking your lawn's roots. While diseases and insects are in no way enjoyable to deal with, they aren't impossible to get rid of either. All it takes is a solid program of Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn maintenance services. Read on for information and tips from Nutri-Lawn Vancouver.
Why are diseases and insects harmful?
To begin, you'll need to understand how diseases and insects damage your lawn. These nuisances sap nutrients from your soil, and target the roots of your grass. In fact, they feed on your grass roots to survive. Through their feeding, they weaken your grass's root system and the structure of your lawn.
Usually, the weakness derived from an insect invasion will encourage disease to take advantage of the vulnerable state of your lawn. A diseased lawn will, inversely, attract insects as a place to breed. Insects and diseases are absolutely cyclical in their damaging effects, and that's why it's important to rid your lawn of these pests with Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn maintenance services as soon as possible.
Red thread disease and fusarium patch
This disease begins as yellow patches in your grass that can be anywhere from a couple of centimeters to a full 2 feet in diameter. These will appear dead, but pretty soon you'll begin finding pink or red fungi developing on the grass blades.
Red thread is brought on by excessive moisture in grass in the late autumn, throughout winter, or in the first stages of spring. It will also burgeon in areas of grass infected by fungal material. While it won't kill your lawn, it will create an unappealing aesthetic and an unfortunate play place for your children.
Fusarium patches begin in the same soil conditions as red thread, but look slightly different. These are reddish-brown patches of grass that look dead and ugly. Many homeowners believe these to be dog damage but it's more than likely fusarium patches.
Get rid of fusarium and red thread with Vancouver lawn maintenance
As summer begins to come ever nearer, you will notice that red thread and fusarium patches begin to fade. These diseases don't like the drier and warmer months of summer. However, if you want to avoid disease or help the process of its removal along with your Vancouver lawn maintenance, make sure your lawn gets enough nitrogen. Lawns lacking nitrogen are prone to red thread and fusarium patches.
Also make sure you water your lawn deeply to avoid your lawn weakening further (and therefore becoming susceptible to disease) from summer heat stress.
European crane fly and chafers
These pests begin as grubs, so start combating them as such. Your best defense against European chafer and European crane fly grubs are beneficial nematodes. These natural predators will instinctively hunt out grubs in your yard and kill them. These little insects are the epitome of easy and effective lawn maintenance procedures. Once they're applied, all you need to do is make sure your lawn stays moist for 10 days.
Prevent and combat diseases this spring with expert lawn maintenance services. If you're ready to begin fortifying your lawn, contact Nutri-Lawn Vancouver today for your complimentary quote.