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2 min read

BioTitan Chinch Bug Control

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Damage is often discover in July and August... that's right now!

Just like us, Chinch Bugs are most active in the spring and summer. Unlike us, they live in the thatch layer of your lawn where they feed on the grass and suck out plant juice. While they're busy doing that, they release enzymes which cause your grass to turn brown & die.

If you take care to regularly feed and water your lawn and it still shows signs of drought damage, you may be dealing with a chinch bug infestation. Turf should respond quickly to watering if it’s only thirsty—but if it has been overtaken by chinch bugs, it will not.

You may notice:

> Yellow spots, usually in the hottest, driest parts of the lawn

> Dead areas are brown, irregular sunken patches, which can blend into larger dead areas

> Damaged areas are not responding to your regular watering

Nutri-Lawn’s Solution: BioTitan® - a proven solution to reduce chinch bug populations.

BioTitan® is an effective microbial insecticide that will provide UP TO 60% reduction of chinch bug populations when watered ½” after the application. It is safe on pets and people as well as the environment. The product is applied in a granular form and must be watered ½ inch after the application.

Don't let chinch bugs ruin your summer!

Call / Text: 613-739-3399

Email: ottawa@nutrilawn.com

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