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6 Spring Tips For An Awesome Summer Lawn

6 Spring Tips For An Awesome Summer Lawn

Are visions of walking barefoot on your lawn dancing in your head? Once the ground dries up and green shoots begin poking through the dirt, it’s time to break out your rake and grass seed. Taking early action in the spring can help ensure a healthy summer lawn. Here are 6 things you can do to maximize your investment of time and money to have the lawn of your dreams.


Raking your lawn is not just for the fall. Raking your lawn in the spring provides several benefits, including a little catch up if you didn’t get to it last fall like you had planned to. Once the grass starts actively growing, get out your rake and get to work. A spring rake typically is less work and time and helps to discourage mold and decay from the remnants of the winter months. Raking helps you to identify bare spots, ruts and bumps, and breaks up thin patches of thatch. This helps you to identify the areas of your lawn that need a little extra love and attention.


Aerating your lawn can be done as soon as the ground is thawed. Aerating too early minimizes the impact because the tines won’t penetrate to maximum depth. Aeration helps promote circulation and water penetration for better nutrient absorption and root growth, and fights compaction. High traffic areas of your lawn are obvious areas of need, but your entire lawn will reap the rewards of this treatment.


After you’ve raked and aerated and after you’ve levelled out the bumps and ruts, it’s time to overseed. Aeration opens up pockets of your lawn to sun and water and provides optimal openings for weeds. Don’t skip this essential step. Different types of grass seed tolerate the cold more, but in general seed that undergoes repeated freeze thaw cycles is prone to rot and decay, so plan ahead for optimal results.


Once your grass has begun to actively grow in the spring, you can fertilize. Applying fertilizer too early or late minimizes effectiveness, as well as using the wrong kind of fertilizer. If you’re not sure what to buy or how to apply it, always ask for assistance.

Chafer Bugs

Are crows, raccoons, skunks and other critters digging up your lawn? Chances are you have a chafer bug or grub problem. You might have to let the critters have at it and get a meal out of it, and then tap the upturned soil back down. Overseeding any damaged areas is a must. In July, inquire about nematodes at your local garden centre or contact your Nutri-Lawn lawn care specialist.


Nothing says spring like getting out the mower and cutting the grass. It might be the only time of year we’re excited about mowing the lawn. Keep your mower blade sharp (less damage to the plant and more efficient gas consumption) and always leave 1/3 of the blade intact. Taller grass has a better root system, tolerance for heat, and helps keep essential moisture in the soil.

We can’t wait for the warmer weather to arrive so we can get outside.  Our team at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver is ready to help you with all your lawn care needs. Contact us today!