Sometimes we do things with the best of intentions, but the results don’t always turn out how we envisioned them. There are lots of lawn care maintenance tasks that will really help your lawn, if you do them at the right time, in the right amount and under the right conditions. Don’t waste any more time and effort on a good idea that ends up sabotaging your lawn care efforts.
Our Nutri-Lawn Vancouver lawn care experts have put together a short list of the most harmful lawn care tasks homeowners undertake that cause the most damage. Our professional team is always ready to offer advice and give a free quote if things don’t turn out, or you want it done right the first time.
Improper Mowing
Cutting your grass too short can cause significant damage and even kill the plants. Leave your lawn mower on the tallest setting. It might mean mowing more often, but your grass will be healthier and thicker. Mowing too soon in the spring can also cause damage to plants struggling to shake off winter dormancy and green up.
Grass Seed Foibles
Overseeding is a great idea and can be very beneficial for the overall health of your lawn. Grass plants are like any other plant, they also grow old and need new plants to keep the lawn healthy to resist pests and disease. Overseeding is also a great defense against weeds. The best way to have a weed free lawn is to have a thick carpet of grass and choke out the weeds.
Grass seeds needs soil that’s consistently warm, so planting too early in the spring is a waste of time. Grass seed also needs consistent moisture to germinate well, so planting when the weather is hot and dry means considerable irrigation will be needed or the seed will fail. Sometimes it’s tempting to buy the poorer quality grass seed thinking that grass seed is grass seed. The better quality grass seed will always have a higher yield and more successful germination rates.
Get To The Root Of The Problem
Treating a problem before you understand what’s causing it can be a huge waste of time and resources. Yellowed and dead patches of lawn could be from pet urine, improper fertilization, or an insect infestation. Treating an infestation with new grass seed, as you would the other problems, won’t resolve the issue. Each problem needs a specific solution, and often those solutions are chemical free. Sometimes all you need is some fresh soil and grass seed, sometimes you have a bigger problem.
Too Little Or Too Much Water
Watering too infrequently or too little will cause your lawn stress and leave it vulnerable to drought, disease and pests. If applying fertilizer, too little water will cause fertilizer burn and can kill your lawn. Too much water is not only a waste, it can cause the plant roots to remain shallow or have root rot.
Be sure to check our blog for the answers to many of these problems in the coming weeks. Our lawn care experts at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver are available now for a free quote to get your lawn looking fabulous in time for summer fun and entertaining. Don’t spend your summer fixing your lawn, let us do the hard work while you relax and enjoy!