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2 min read

4 Must-Know Answers Before You Overseed

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Did you know that grass gets old? As the plant ages new growth is slowed, new plants are slower to spread. Grass has a peak lifespan of about five or six years, so even if you have a thick healthy lawn now after a short time you’ll begin to see patches and bare spots appear. New growth doesn’t spread to fill in the gaps and weeds are allowed to take root.

It’s time to overseed.

Overseeding gives your lawn a youthful upgrade without the expense and hassle of replacing the existing lawn. Younger plants spread into the gaps preventing weeds and keeping your lawn young and thick. Once weeds take root, it’s a lot more work to uproot them and then plant new seed. Why not overseed consistently to stop weeds in their tracks.

There are a few key questions you should find the answers to before choosing what kind of grass seed to buy. A number of popular varieties are available that deal with cool wet climates and acidic soil.

Choosing The Right Grass Seed

  1. How busy is your lawn? What is your lawn used for? Do you have a budding soccer player or a young family? Will you lawn need to withstand pet uses? Is your lawn mostly for curb appeal and landscaping? Knowing the answer to how you use your lawn will help you choose a grass that is hardy enough to survive the wear and tear.
  2. How much sun does your yard receive? Are parts of your yard in full or partial shade? Just as you’d consider how much sun a flowering plant needs or can withstand, the same consideration should be used in choosing a grass seed. Some grass seed is designed to withstand cool wet winters, others go completely dormant in cold weather.
  3. Do you have a favourite shade or type of grass seed? Do you dream of a lawn with Kentucky Bluegrass, or is a variety of seeds acceptable? The benefit to a seed with a few varieties in it is that the lawn is better able to withstand a range of growing issues from acidic soil, shade, slow growing, etc. Check what types of seeds are contained in a mix so you know what you’re getting, and be aware that super discounted options often contain poorer quality seed.
  4. How much time do you want to spend on your lawn? Is a thick maintenance free lawn your goal? Or do you have to time to nurture a more labour-intensive variety?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you’ll choose a grass seed that meets your expectations, budget, and needs.

Take advantage of a free consultation from the lawn experts at Nutri-Lawn Vancouver so you can take back your yard!

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