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3 min read

Tips for Proper Early Fall Lawn Care in Vancouver

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If you thought that you were done with Vancouver lawn care at the finale of summer, think again. To maintain a lawn that is healthy and happy when winter melts away next spring, you need to do a bit of prep work with early fall lawn care. A lawn that enters winter in a strong state is less likely to be vulnerable to disease, fungi, and insects over the cold season. Nutri-Lawn Vancouver services can help you ease into winter with early fall lawn care. Here are tips from Nutri-Lawn Vancouver to make sure you're thoroughly preparing your grass and soil.

Late summer-early fall lawn care

There are three main issues that you need to tackle with late summer/early fall lawn care that pops up over summer: compaction, thatch, and patches. For these, you'll want to bring in core aeration, dethatching, and overseeding.

Let's begin with compaction and core aeration. Compacted soil occurs through frequent traffic over your lawn throughout summer. Compacted soil prevents the proper absorption of nutrients and water. Mulch, which maintains moisture, will prevent compaction. To combat existing compaction, use core aeration from Nutri-Lawn Vancouver. Core aeration pokes tunnels of soil into your lawn to create breathing room. Nutrients and water will then be able to travel to your grass roots.

Thatch is the build up of organic debris that has failed to decompose during spring and summer. Thatch suffocates your lawn, and is a perfect hiding spot for critters, fungi, and insects throughout winter. Aeration can do a good job of removing thatch from your lawn, if the layer is thin enough. Otherwise, you'll want to power rake or dethatch your lawn. Make sure you do this with at least four weeks of growing season and Vancouver lawn care remaining to allow your lawn to recover from the stress of dethatching.

Finally, to fix up patchy areas of your lawn, let Nutri-Lawn Vancouver overseed. A mid-September overseeding treatment is the perfect cure for a bald lawn. Make sure to overseed only after you've aerated and dethatched, to avoid harming the new grass. Also, follow seeding with a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, such as kelp fertilizer from Nutri-Lawn Vancouver, and a frequent dose of irrigation.

Take care of your irrigation

Before the weather begins to really cool down, keep up your regular irrigation routine to provide as much nutrients as possible before the harsh temperatures start. Provide about 3 centimeters weekly.

Once you've used up those last few drops of irrigation in your Vancouver lawn care, drain your system. The water in your irrigation pipes and sprinklers will freeze during winter, and your pipes will quickly crack and burst. This is an unnecessary Vancouver lawn care expense that you don't want to face.

Reduce the last trimming

When you pull out that mower for the last time before winter, lower the blades just a little bit. You want your grass to be shorter entering winter to decrease moisture levels. High moisture levels in grass will make it susceptible to winter diseases and fungi.

Promote photosynthesis

When leaves are allowed to become a carpet on your lawn, you're removing the opportunity for your grass to create the food they need for winter. Sun is important to your lawn at this time – remember it won't be seeing any for quite a while. Make sure to keep up regular raking to get the most out of your Nutri-Lawn Vancouver services.

Don't wake up from winter next spring with an unsightly lawn. Start your early fall lawn care with Nutri-Lawn Vancouver today. Receive your complimentary quote on Nutri-Lawn Vancouver services to begin the process.

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