JUNE 2024
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Yes you can keep your lawn healthy and looking good during periods of water restrictions.
Fortunately, in Calgary at the moment Mother nature has kept the soil moist for us but as we get into the hot dry months of July and August that may not continue. Follow these tips to help your lawn survive and thrive over the summer.
Mowing- Keep your lawn cut to 2.5”-3”. The extra height will help to shade the roots and keep the soil cooler. As well try to avoid mowing during the heat of the day. Instead try to mow in the mornings, evenings or on cloudy days.
Don’t forget the Fertilizer- Turf requires added nutrients in the form of fertilizer to keep it thick healthy so it can naturally crowd out the weeds. Nutrilawn switched over to a premium slow- release granular fertilizer several years ago to have the ability to provide nutrients to turf in a safe effective manner even during periods of low moisture.
As soil moisture starts to deplete over the summer your lawn will enter a state of dormancy and may start to turn brown. This is completely natural and will green up again once cooler weather returns in the fall.

Contact us:
EMAIL: calgary@nutrilawn.com
CALL OR TEXT: 403-252-1500
if you have any questions!