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With the beginning of the dry weather, people start wondering what is going on with their brown lawn. Drought and summer heat stress is very common across lawns when periods of drought and extreme heat persist.
The lawn can show varying degrees of stress during these times including burning out and browning in isolated areas or across the entire property.
The first thing to explain is that when lawns go brown in the summer, they are not dead, they are just dormant due to lack of rainfall.
The grass plants may appear dead to the naked eye, but deep inside the plant there is a small area (called the crown) which is still alive. Once this crown gets rain again, it will come to life and the turf will green up in 10-14 days.
Watering techniques should be adjusted during the growing season to compensate for precipitation and lengthy hot and dry periods. Raising your cutting height will also help to retain moisture.
Seaweed Extract is a soluble kelp powder made from east coast seaweed. It is applied to lawns in a water solution.
Composed of nearly 70 minerals, seaweed extract (or kelp as it is commonly referred to) is an excellent source of two major plant growth hormones: cytokinins and auxins. These are the nutrients that help a lawn recover from and protect against the effects of heat stress. Kelp is odor free and is children and pet friendly.
- Enhances soil microbial activity, which influences the production of available nutrients.
- Increases the nutrient uptake in plants.
- Increases photosynthesis and chlorophyll production.
- Increases plant carbohydrate production, which enhances grass root and blade development.
- Enhances the development of new seedlings and speeds up establishment.
Red Thread occurs in the spring and fall during humid periods when the air temperatures are between 16°C and 24°C.
- The disease is especially severe on slow-growing nitrogen-deficient turf.
- Infected leaf blades, they are often interspersed with healthy unaffected leaf blades giving the grass a ragged appearance.
- In humid weather, the fungus grows visibly on the infected grass blades and leaf sheaths.
- The fungus produces thread-like strands or web-like areas of coral-pink to blood-red hyphae on the tips of brown grass blades.
Red thread can be controlled with sound turf management. Promoting proper fertilization, maintain a soil pH of 6.5-7.0. Avoid overwatering. Do not water the lawn in the late afternoon or evening. Provide good soil drainage.
Chinch Bugs are a common lawn pest in Maritime lawns. Some lawns seem more prone than others to chinch bug activity and damage. It is important to understand why and to take action to prevent reoccurring problems on your lawn.
Things you can do to reduce chinch bug activity in your lawn:
- Proper mowingand watering are key. A strong, healthy lawn can withstand chinch bug activity with minimal damage.
- Chinch bug infestations generally occur in hot dry areas of the lawn. Hot and dry summer weather is a huge contributor.
- An inground sprinkler system is the best way to water your lawn and to protect it during the summer months.
Chinch Bugs often reappear from year to year in areas of past damage. Bare, dead areas in the lawn are not only unsightly, but they are also prime spots for future insect and weed problems. It is important to repair damaged areas for the long-term health and appearance of your lawn.

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